Thursday, July 19, 2012

Walking down the middle of the street, in the middle of a summer night, slightly drunk, arms spread wide open (in homage)

I'm walking down the middle of the street

and it is dark out

and it is summer time so I am in shorts and a t-shirt

the t-shirt has a picture of a guy with a cigar on it

it says "King of the Philistines".

And my arms are spread wide open.

And every house I walk by has a television on

Like literally every fucking house.


But on a night like this people should be out

Dancing in the streets

(Especially those wrinkly ass old folks.

I imagine whipping out a megaphone

and delivering a message to the wrinkly ass old folks:

"You have approximately 15 minutes of life left

C'mon. Lets go. Start dancing")

The streets are silent

Which is frightening

(there are just so many quiet people here)

but also beautiful

in its own way.

I imagine I am king of the street

Not in the crackhead way

But in the eternal king of the silent night street way.

It 's a good feeling.

A car comes.

The feeling fades.

I move to the sidewalk.

I blend darkly with the trees

and the trees' shadows

I am king of the shadows

I walk past a power box.

I buzzes softly

Day in and day out

Whether or not I

or anyone else

is by it

this box buzzes

for itself

without emotion it just buzzes

That's what it is there for

To buzz 

for one guy

walking down the middle of the street,

in the middle of a summer night,

slightly drunk.

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